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Change profil name and still be a donor?
2008-11-27 13:35
pactown-swe.myminicity.comI wonder if its possible to change my name? As it is now i have my hole town name "pactown-swe.myminicity.com" to just PacMan?
As it is right now if i do so then im not able to use my donator mode.
2008-11-27 14:55
utopia.lvYes, it is possible, but it can be done only by me.

Change your name and make password protected profile. Then tell me (via forum, e-mail or feedback) your old and new profile names and I'll enable donator features for new profile name.

2008-11-27 15:51
utopia.lvPM received, name changed.
2008-11-27 16:38
I have send it trough the feedback...