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MMC - what links are visited?
2009-02-23 02:21
vadCurious, what is the algorithm of choosing the link in MMC between Population, Industry, Environment and so forth? I noticed that immediately after I added the link, the visits to my page were pretty much random, but in about an hour almost all became "A new inhabitant has come".
2009-02-23 06:56
utopia.lvI call it "weighted random" :).

At the beginning it gives a "weight" points to each stat. The more the stat is needed, the more "weight" points it gets.
Then I use random factor to choose the stat to update. The more "weight" stat has, the more chance that it will be picked by random.
2009-02-23 15:05
vadThat's what I thought exactly, but then how to explain stabilization on the population after a while. When I saw that, I thought you have implemented some self-adjusting.
2009-02-23 15:11
utopia.lvForgot to mention that it takes current stats from city XML files which are downloaded every 15 minutes by Supermode users. Then based on formulas it will calculate which stats are needed to be updated the most and will give them the "weight". After that random function will choose which stat to update. The more "weight" stat has, the more chance random will choose it. :)
2009-03-11 17:03
vadAnother link exchange site (idarionis.com) shows the statistics of the mini-city, which I understand it extracts also from the XML file. Here's what it shows for mine:

Shortage of employees: -0.745% ; Require: 172 citizens
Great transport: 0.805% ; Enough for next: 186 citizens
Very good security: -0.766% ; Enough for next: 177 citizens
Very good environment: -0.719% ; Surplus parks: 28

So it looks like Utopia algorithm is overestimating the need in citizens. This seems to be consistent: I was checking for several days and it's always about the same - 150-200 shortage of citizens.
2009-03-11 17:12
xDimensionI'm using the Hydra too (in fact - i started to translate it to Latvian.. /there have been some problems with hydra lately, so i put a pause for that/).
yes. utopia gives too many citizens, but that's why I'm using 'yarold' and 'hydra' too. utopia gives many citizens, but they're keeping my other stats in level with citizens. ;)

sry for my English. hope that someone could understand what I wrote about.

so wanted to add: for me in hydra, there's everything green in stats. ;)
2009-03-11 19:40
vadactually, according to the statistics from hydra I posted, utopia gives too _little_ citizens.
2009-03-11 20:00
xDimensionI understood that utopia gives too little for employee and so on tips, but too much for population, no? ><
but maybe i'm misunderstanding something?
2009-03-13 01:21
vadaccording to hydra, it would be ok to visit the polulation link about 170 more times without visiting industry, ecology, security and transport. So it's _under_-visiting of the population.