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Utopia send unhabitant only on MMC/MV ?
2009-07-11 10:32
4 days ago , I'd removed 3 links , registered 3 news links and save profile.
Now,these cities grow-up (80% of utopia hits , thanks),but only by unhabitants for 2 of them (only infrastructures for the 3th).
2-3% penalties for now and no more infras (just what I can on others minority exchange sites but not enought).

Strange other thing , 3 links I'd removed 4 days ago seem to keep going hits lol.

2009-07-11 19:36
bodissonWell , I'd seen utopia use "weighted random" , but points don't seem to act very fast , I reach 4% pb at this time.
Shouldn't it begin to be corrected to obtain stability?
2009-07-12 16:41
des43tYes, it should re-calculate your city's needs and correct itself within 15 minutes. I do not understand why your minivilles are so messed up! We will wait Uto's response (unless someone else can figure it out).

2009-07-12 18:17
utopia.lvSorry, there was a bug that affected 13 Miniville links. All those links were getting only population. Now it is fixed and future visits will be balanced correctly.
2009-07-30 11:43

Thanks , it's seems to be better now.
I don't know , if there is relationship but this link (miniville type) recieves 400/500 visits/day less than other (miniville too)
However , the classification is better (or near +) and should be visited in priority.

is alphabetic position take a part on visits ?