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Can I use multiple ip addresses
2011-01-21 03:51
kulayRight now I am using a wireless net card for my notebook and it changes the ip address on me. I also sometimes use my school's wireless internet which is a different ip address. My question is that does changing ip addresses but using same computer cause the site to think it is a different user? How can I make sure that my clicking helps the links I already put in before my ip address changed on me?
In February I will be getting home internet for my desktop. I will use the home internet some but also use other internet sources too for my notebook. Can I use both my desktop and my notebook?
I hope I make sense.
2011-01-21 19:53
TinaXYou can use as many IP adresses and PCs as you want ... all you have to do is, everytime you change your ip, log in to your profile to make sure the clicks are counted for you and your links.

Btw: That's how Multi IP Count works here ... you change your ip or you use a different PC, Notebook etc... with a different ip and run supermode again and again and s.o....
2011-01-22 01:07
OrchidI have a laptop and only 1 IP, but I can take my laptop with me to other locations and I just make sure I'm logged on before I hit start, the more IP's you can use in a day, the higher your links will move up the list and the more visits you will get. You can look under the trophy and see what some do. The top ones are listed there. Let us know if you have any other questions. Thank you
2011-01-22 23:13
zgeek All of the above
Create a profile and save it. The exchange will then be able to keep track of you as you change IP.