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Does Supermode work when using a Proxy?
2012-01-02 12:57
coughHello there, everybody!

I stumbled upon this great site yesterday, and I really like it so far. I do have a small question however:
Most of the time I am using a Proxy(to be specific: the FireFox Add-On Anonymox) to travel trough the internet. My question is: When using Supermode, does Supermode use the proxy for all internet connections? Up until now, Supermode seems to have worked perfectly, but I haven't tried what happens when I change proxies. Also, I'm not sure if Supermode connects to the server, this site and the sites to visit trough the proxy or not.

Does somebody know this? :D
2012-01-03 01:03
zgeek Opinion only:
[cough, cough] I don’t think your proxy is that anonymous - if Supermode credits you with visits.

When I have used the Tor network, no visits were recorded. Tracking cookies must be on your comp to record visits. Ask in chat if you want a better/quicker response. :-)