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Serious Dragon Adoptions
2013-04-06 01:10
DragonhatchlingSample Links:
How often visits reset: Every day at 00:00 midnight EST
Does administrator allow click exchanges? Yes.
Additional info? Nope. Just that it takes a while for these dragons to grow and a click exchange site would be very helpful
2013-04-10 23:04
OrchidMany of these Dragon game links can only handle a few links per day, what kind of load can the server handle and how many clicks to level each dragon up?
2013-04-14 14:56
DragonhatchlingIt takes 10 clicks to level up an egg at first for each stage. Once the egg hatches, it takes 20 more clicks to make a hatchling with wings. The winged ones require 30 clicks to become an adult. Adults are fully grown and clicks to them just generate money. In total, it would be around 100 clicks to make a fully grown dragon. They can still receive clicks but those do not further evolve the adult.
The server is able to handle around 200 people at a time, though they are continually making adjustments to increase the capacity as well as make the site more user-friendly.