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How us bases and contrôle it ? | |
2023-02-10 11:16 | athome | # Us PwerShell any version
cls "" $xpop = 1316 $xcom = 10 $xenv = 247 $xind = 420 $xsec = 232 $xtra = 233 "Date/Time DD.MM.YYYY = 10.02.2023 9h30" "" """Load up your.Miniville.fr/xml,""" """and replace and us your values""" "" "[1 (env - (pop/2)) ] = " + [math]::round($xenv-($xpop/2)) "[2 (ind+com - (pop/3)) ] = " + [math]::round(($xind+$xcom)-($xpop/3)) # + com 10 "[3 (sec - (pop/4)) ] = " + [math]::round($xsec-($xpop/4)) "[4 (tra - (pop/5)) ] = " + [math]::round($xtra-($xpop/5)) "" """This Miniville is not equal !""" "Pop's 50 % = "+$xpop $xtot = ($xcom+$xenv+$xind+$xsec+$xtra) "Bases <>50 % = ""com + env + ind + sec + tra"" "+ $xtot clear-variable x* -scope global "" # end from the stuff <# The result is: Date/Time DD.MM.YYYY = 10.02.2023 9h30 "Load up your.Miniville.fr/xml," "and replace and us your values" [1 (env - (pop/2)) ] = -411 [2 (ind+com - (pop/3)) ] = -9 [3 (sec - (pop/4)) ] = -97 [4 (tra - (pop/5)) ] = -30 "This Miniville is not equal !" Pop's 50 % = 1316 Bases <>50 % = "com + env + ind + sec + tra" 1142 #> Arenas |