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cedare de oras
2009-03-09 10:27
banutzu2003Daca este cineva interesat de orasul do.not.click il rog sa imi trimita o adresa de mail prin care sa ii pot comunica datele
2009-03-09 12:04
utopia.lvIs this really announcement? Can you translate it in English?

2009-03-09 12:44
banutzu2003ok, I tray to translate but i dont speak or write verry well english. „If is anyone interested about do.not.click town, I invite him/her to tell me. pls leave a mail adress to contact“.
2009-03-09 13:57
utopia.lvSo you were talking about http://do.not.click.myminicity.com.
What do you mean by "interested"? You want to sell it? :)

p.s. Topic moved to "Miscellaneous Discussion" section.
2009-03-09 16:04
banutzu2003Ha, ha, ha! good joke! No, no, no! I want to transfer somebody worthy to it!