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MMC Links Skipped
2009-05-09 04:32
IfPigsFlyWhy are all the MMC links being "skip" ped when I run Utopia (supermode, etc.)? It is sometimes saving my visits and sometimes now. I'll try quitting firefox and restarting but it keeps coming back. Any suggestions? Many thanks, in advance. Ann
2009-05-09 13:52
TinaXThis happens when MMC Servers are down and has nothing to do with Utopia or your FF...you don't have to close/restart.
Most times it only takes a few mins. till they are back up...sometimes a lil bit longer.

You can stop the exchange when this happens and continue later or you just let it run till it finishes and then start again. If the servers are back then the skipped links will be visited. Just don't change your IP or the exchange will start again with all Links, not only the skipped.
2009-05-09 14:00
utopia.lvThanks, Tinas! I was just going to answer that.

That is right, visits are made directly from your computer to MMC server.

If MMC links skip, it can mean that either:
* MMC server is down
* MMC server is overloaded
* there is DNS problem (most probably at your ISP)
* bad internet connection (will affect also other games)
