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IP Change Automation

Bat for Sagem1500WG o SMCBarricade7004ABR
2009-06-27 23:33
prince_chuskyhello to all, look I have a problem, with XP I was using the program Roterreconnect and I me was working well, but with sight, the conecsion breaks me and it me does not work.
I would like to know if there is some code to change the ip, guy bat for some of these routers

SMC Barricade 7004 APRIL

Thank you in advance
2009-06-28 15:09
KRA92try with Minicity Tool and select in the tool the router SMC Barracuda instead of using Routerreconect
2009-06-29 01:27
prince_chuskyDo I feel it do not understand, where I select?
2009-06-29 04:44

where the red box is, "Router" that you click and select the SMC
2009-07-02 11:54
prince_chuskyBut that if I was working, which I know is the code for use with Utopia

kra thanks;)