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IP Change Automation

Basic automation
2008-12-03 12:36
hellowienedit 2009-03-06

This basic automation can be used, if you want to do only some rounds of the exchange. I would not prefer it for longer lasting automation as there could occur some problems with time, e.g. used RAM-memory increase of FF

Create a bat-file called e.g ip.bat as explained at http://utopia.lv/exchange/?do=automation and copy following lines in it:

rasphone -h "connectionname"
ping localhost -n 10 >NUL
rasphone -d "connectionname"

This bat does nothing than to disconnect, wait for 10 sec (to increase chance to get new IP at reconnect) and connects to ISP again. You can set this ping time as you wish, just try different times and leave the one, that gives you best reconnect results (I don't have any ping time and it works nice).

I prefer rasphone, but you can use the rasdial-command instead of rasphone if you wish or it works better for you. If you wish to use it without additional [username password] then uncheck "Ask for username, password etc." in the options of your connection.