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IP Change Automation

Basic automation with FF-restart
2008-12-03 12:42
hellowienedit 2009-03-06

As mentioned before FF increases the use of RAM if running for a longer time. If you want to do automation for some hours or longer, I would prefer to close and restart FF. This simple variation of ip.bat does this EVERY round of exchange, so surfing on other sites will get frustrating. Otherwise it increases visitcount/day as you wont have to wait for site checking if you got a new IP. I recommend this one only for times, when you are not on the comp. At restart of FF exchange will be opened again.

IMPORTANT: Set browser.sessionstore.resumefromcrash in about:config to false! Otherwise FF will ask for restoring last session on every start!

taskkill /f /im firefox.exe
rasphone -h "connectionname"
ping localhost -n 10 >NUL
rasphone -d "connectionname"
start firefox.exe -url http://utopia.lv/exchange/profile.php?w=special&name=yourname&pass=yourpassword&loc=supermode

For pop-up mode use like suggested in post about "Link that will automatically log you in" (http://utopia.lv/exchange/?do=forum&w=view&pid=104):

2010-11-22 23:39
msattlerOK, what am I doing wrong?
I had a system crash, and had to start over using a new HD and 7 instead of Win2k.
Reloaded FF.

I thought I entered the correct address string for the home page so it would launch visiting like it used to.........


(XXXX's are my info).

But now when I shut down FF, get a new IP, and relaunch, it does not seem to keep my profile loaded. The chatbox is open, and I have it turned off in my profile.

Any ideas what I have wrong that this is not working correctly anymore?

2010-11-23 23:49
msattlerI noticed there is an 'auto' button that shows in the options tab sometimes......
Could that be used in the address string to load the profile before starting the run?
2010-11-24 05:55
zgeekHi msattler.
I'm assuming FF reloads after new IP

In options?privacy do you have; keep cookies till they expire?
You do have IP change automation ticked?
2010-11-24 22:48
msattlerI set FF to clear all history when I close it, including all cookies.
No difference.
And Utopia does not seem to save the automation check box, even when I click save settings.
The next time I login, not checked. And I don't know what to do with the popup box anyway. I am not sure it is of any use the way I have to change my IP....by using the GUI for the router and disconnecting/reconnecting.

This used to work perfectly. I would just close FF after each run, reset the router to get a new IP, and relaunch FF....and away it went with the profile loaded.

I don't understand what is different, unless 7 is doing something different than Win2k....
The best I can do right now is to leave FF open, change the IP, and then click on options and hit the auto button.
2010-11-24 22:58
msattlerIf it were possible to amend the string to automatically go to options/auto instead of starting the run, that might make it work like it used to.
2010-11-25 03:40
Do not clear cookies - please try it.

I'm having lunch, and have not read all your post...
2010-11-25 06:13
zgeek Sorry, my bad on the first post.. Please make sure you *KEEP* cookies till they expire.

I’m telling you this because; I have seen Uto give this advice, also from personal experience.

Further advice from Uto: delete and recreate your profile.
2010-11-26 22:40
msattlerI changed FF back to saving history and accepting all cookies until they expire.
Still no worky. I saved the blank profile and reloaded it, if that's what you meant by deleting my profile.....or are you saying delete my account entirely and start over?

I think there might be a combination of

That might start me out on the profile page and push the auto button, but I don't have a clue how to configure such.
2010-11-26 23:27
msattlerThe basic problem, I think, is that any time my IP changes, Utopia does not save my profile....
It has to be reloaded, even if I do not close FF.
2010-11-27 23:55
zgeek Disclaimer: I’m not running Win 7 and have FF daily Minefield on my comp.

Yes, I meant delete profile and recreate – not make new nic.

When I had problems I did this:
a) edited my registry
b) manual deletion of all versions of FF from the comp.
c) installed new FF version in a different directory [after making sure it would not install over a previous copy]

Nothing worked, till I made sure cookies were saved for me.

To the best of my knowledge, cookies is where all the info is stored on you.
Utopia has 7 cookies on my computer. The first 3 are thus; name, password and automation info.

Bottom Line; bring it to the attention of a mod or Uto, if you’re still having problems.
2010-11-28 16:35
msattlerI checked my cookies.
I manually deleted all cookies. Changed my IP. Logged back in, and did another run.
The cookies I now have are...

So, it looks like it is storing pw and id.
2010-11-28 20:53
zgeekHi msattler
You don't have ut_automation cookie - which I do.
Profile not saving IP automation info?
Brekky time here...
2010-11-29 18:50
msattlerIt will save the automation info......
And add the cookie. However, this is not needed by me, as I have not been able to automate the resetting of my router via GUI to get a new IP.
And when I change the IP and it auto restarts, it then ignores my x32 supermode bonus and runs at x16.

Dunno why it will not properly load my profile anymore when I first launch FF without automation checked.
2010-11-30 05:27
zgeek it then ignores my x32 supermode bonus and runs at x16.
:-( I have the same thing happen to me. Actually for me, it's faster in x16 than x32 mode.

The mods, can see things about your account that might help you. Post in chat.