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IP Change Automation

Additional IP-precheck function
2008-12-03 14:56
hellowienedit 2009-03-06

This nice function can be added to any way of reconnecting. It gets actual IP, reconnects and compares the new IP with the last one. If they are identical, a new reconnection will be done ... This way you can max out your visits on utopia, increasing the chance to do a complete round after IP-change. If you get an IP already used the same day XML's and skipped cities will be visited. If you want to combine reconnect with FF-restart just delete the "::" in those lines with FF-commands.

::taskkill /f /im firefox.exe
for /F "tokens=13,*" %%i in ('ipconfig^|find "IP-Ad"') do @set IP=%%j
rasphone -h "connectionname"
rasphone -d "connectionname"
for /F "tokens=13,*" %%i in ('ipconfig^|find "IP-Ad"') do @set IPNEW=%%j
::start firefox.exe -url "http://utopia.lv/...."
2008-12-03 17:37
utopia.lvElegant and effective solution!
I thought that is possible only on Unix systems and not in native Windows environment.