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Other Game Links

World Battleground [discussion]
2008-12-04 17:53

* You must NOT put your link in popup windows, inside any frame, or use redirects.
* You must NOT use a script/program or any automated process including 'auto refresh' to automatically gain recruits.

If I allow worldbattleground.com links it might lead to your World Battleground accounts being terminated.
2008-12-04 17:59
tantravillehey utopia, we discussed this already and u said it wouldnt be a good idea ;)
read the bottom couple of posts here: http://utopia.lv/exchange/?do=forum&w=view&pid=9
2008-12-04 18:34
utopia.lvOne visit each 24h still better than none at all. So it is possible to add.
2008-12-04 20:22
tantravilleok ^^ just saying :p