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Whimpsters [removed]
2009-01-13 20:31
irvineancalimonOnly problem they require a follow up click


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(on the forum at least)
2009-01-13 20:58
MisaMiliUses captchas.

It takes you to a page where you have to click a image. Games / Webpages that require action won't be added at the moment.

Lets see what utopia thinks.

2009-01-13 21:42
utopia.lvSorry, the game can not be added.
As MisaMili said - it uses captchas and visits can not be done automatically.
2009-01-29 19:12
irvineancalimonUpdate on whimpsters.

Now we have links without captcha's for exp'ing by non players.


does this mean it can be added now? :p
2009-02-02 15:54
utopia.lvGame added.
GMT -8 (not sure, but server physically located at that time zone)

Spread the word!
2009-02-03 13:32

i noticed whimpsters just got disabled... can i ask why?
2009-02-03 13:48
utopia.lvIt was down. Now it is up - reenabled.
2009-02-16 19:32
irvineancalimonI have a question...

Is whimpsters limited to a certain amount of clicks? because my whimpies links only get about 130 clicks a day.

friendly greets Irvine
2009-02-16 20:55
utopia.lvThere is a limit of 100 visits a day for each Whimpsers link.
Do you think it should be raised?
2009-02-16 21:21
irvineancalimonwell thats up to you I guess.

here's the thing, the whimpies most people want to XP are the eggs and lanterns. and they hatch with about 100 clicks like it is set now.

But some people have whimpies with a high XP just for the top XP'd whimpies list. so those actually dont need a click limit.

I have 2 of the second kind, but This is your site so I'll let you choose :p.

and I'm not leaving either way :p
2009-02-16 21:25
utopia.lvOk, limit increased to 1000 clicks a day. Let's see how it goes. :)
2009-02-21 21:34
irvineancalimonsorry to be nagging again here.

but i noticed Whimpsters has been disabled since yesterday afternoon.

Will it come back on or is there a problem.

friendly greets Irvine
2009-02-21 22:02
utopia.lvWe (I and moderators) disable games when they become too slow to visit, doesn't respond at all or give errors.

Wimpsters server reacts slow most of the time and we have to keep it disabled. If you see that server is disabled, but game runs ok, please post that in chatbox and moderator will enable it.
2009-03-24 09:48
utopia.lvWhimpsters support removed from the exchange!
Reason: slow server.