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Added link is not correct
2009-02-12 09:37
starosHello and thanks for this site.

I added my link which was http://mycity.miniville.fr/ind which should add industries to my miniville, but the /ind hasn't been taken into account.
That means it added http://mycity.miniville.fr which add inhabitants.

Could you please tell what should I do or if it's a bug, please correct it.

Thanks a lot.
2009-02-12 10:36

There is no bug.

The Utopia exchange gathers XML information on the cities added and the exchange automatically gives what individual stat your city needs.

For example if you city needs IND it will give IND.

No individual statistic can be added.

Apologies for any problem caused.

2009-02-12 10:59
starosOK so this is not interesting for me.
Thanks anyway.
2009-02-12 20:07
DanThe site can bring up to 2000 Visits a day depending on or users.

that is 2000 visits more that you might not get. We just add the stat to what is most needed.

If this is not for you, then I am sorry.

All the best