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Active Links - significant reduction?
2009-07-24 05:09
cumm1ng.myminicity.comHi - something changed today in our fellowship...
Usually after server midnight, links refresh (if logged in to your profile) to approximately 2000+ links to visit.
(It is understood that changing IP's may lead to shared or used visits for more than one profile)
However, this observation is that no matter what IP I am on, even those that are all my own and cannot be shared, indicate a maximum possible active links of about 700+ instead of the usual.
I looked, but saw no mention of a large portion of link exchange based games being eliminated from the mix.

Did anyone else notice this change today specifically?

2009-07-24 05:33
cumm1ng.myminicity.comok - looks like myminicity is having issues or doing upgrades currently. apologies for the alarm.