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MyMiniCity No industry being added
2009-08-03 13:58
blaster395Its just completely ignoring industry.
its already about 35% unemployed.
Why is it ignoring industry?
2009-08-03 15:32
KRA92This site is working with /xml (you can see your xml stats when you put after .com a /xml to make .com/xml)

If something is necessary in your city, you'll get it 10 or 15 minutes long, because your /xml stats will be updated only
every 10 or 15 minutes. Because of that it is possible, that you receive many industries.

But i saw that your city is now on the right side ;-)
2009-08-03 19:11

right KRA92 , but it seams there is really a pb with "ind" this afternoon (not only 10/15 min).
I had this morning near 1000 unhabitant margin on 5 "miniville" registered => now = 0
no pb with others (tra sec env) and no pb the last month anymore.