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some links don't get as much as visits than others
2009-08-30 19:02
sometimes I don't understand why some links (always the same) get 600/700 utopia visits less than others .
however , I compare links with same total credits and never expired.
It's seams this link too much skiped but I don't know why.

Nb:this link was a link who already has trouble last mounth

2009-08-31 09:25
utopia.lvSorry, I don't know why one of your links skip more than others. It is related to Motion Twin servers.
Links are always visited in the same order as they appear in the Link top.
2009-08-31 15:39
bodissonOk , thanks

in fact it's not important at all , 500 more or less / day....

It was just for you to see if there is not a bug.

Why I thought it was reported to utopia and not to MT server?

cities grow up (12 000 / day) in the same time with others exchanges sites and the total variance each day is uto variance.

city1 : tot=12 000 uto=4500
city2 : tot=11 500 uto=4000

Nb:no pb with fast personal wget script (32 connectsimult links with /com)

No way I want to complain , I get more (a lot) than I send with utopia : thanks , just to pull up my mind