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Thought exchange
2010-01-17 23:07
utopia.lvI’ve created experiment which I hope will have some use, will give us more fun and will create some unexpected results. I call it thought exchange, but the name might change in the future. Currently it is enabled only for donors and can be accessed while running Supermode under “Open Thought Exchange” link. I’ll try to come up with better placement later (not today).

The idea is anybody can enter their message and put it up for a vote. After voting ends, messages with the most positive votes appear in the Top so everyone can see them.

Some logic:
You can vote for any message by clicking “yes” or “no” buttons.
Messages appear in random order.
You can enter your own message after you vote for any other message.
New message can be entered every 24 hours
After 24 hours, voting for any message stops and if there are enough positive votes, message appears in the Top.
The message stays in the Top for 48 hours and after that it is moved to the archive.

At the moment I have set 8 hours in place of 24 hours for faster development and there is no archive for Top messages.

What do you write in messages?
You can write anything that comes to your mind: what do you think, what you feel, about weather, love, friendship, about things you like in Utopia Exchange, things you hate or want to improve… you’ve got the idea. I recommend writing in English so more people can understand you.

Don’t be afraid to post a message! You can change your nickname or leave it empty if you would like to stay anonymous when you make it to the Top. Just do not post advertisements and do not swear.

Good luck!