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Move a Virtual Memory Page File to a faster drive?
2010-05-27 01:03
DaBabeI've been wondering if there could be any advantage in moving my virtual memory page file to my one tb 5.0 Gbps external hard drive? MGP advised it "needs to be on the fastest read write access possible. Rarely will that be an external drive"
I know it is the fastest drive I have, so I moved it to give it a try. There seem so be no problems so far and I'll try to do some comparisons on it later when my Cricket Broadband may be more stable. It's 8:00 PM here right now. Any thoughts, anyone? :)
2010-05-27 06:21
DaBabeI had some interesting numbers on my last test run. I'll have to do a number of runs before I decide if this is worth the bother. Side effects? My stats improved. :)
2010-05-27 13:07
utopia.lvPutting swap file on a different hard disk than your Windows and applications are makes sense if you're using disk heavy applications that require lots of RAM. It also allows for Windows to boot faster. For example disk heavy applications are modern 3D games and video editing software. If you have enough RAM, it will not make the Exchange run faster.
2010-05-27 21:50
DaBabeThanks, Uto. This may take several nights of comparisons to be certain, but I've seen some promising signs already. I'm new to computer tweaks. :)
2010-06-02 12:45
rusvillHi DaBabe,

Usually you would see the most improvement if the drive was a separate internal drive. The only possible exceptions to this would be either e-SATA or USB 3. Otherwise USB 2 or either Firewire will only run at slower speeds (e.g. all under 800mbs)

Internal SATA, e-SATA or USB 3 will all run at over 1gbs and may truly improve the performance
2010-06-04 16:04
DaBabeI am supposed to be at USB 3 speeds according to Toms Guide. This Cricket Broadband is probably limiting for anything done online though.

2010-06-06 03:53
zgeek“Curiosity killed the cat” Personally, I don’t think you have given enough information on your set-up. I will now fade to black…