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visits today, but time was expired
2010-09-09 19:31

every day i make ~100000 visits. this morning i made ~104000 visits, but later in the evening the links were expired.

sternensee 770587 104416

2010-09-09 . . . . 2478 visits

2010-09-09 . . . . 2487 visits

Expired ** | delete

what happened? why the time had expired, despite daily visits?
and why i am missing ~ 1400 visits today for the citys, i know this because i asked a friend and his visits are ~ 3840 visits.
2010-09-10 13:12
utopia.lvA link is renewed when link statistics are displayed after visit round is finished or Links section is opened manually.
Your links got less visits, because links somehow expired.

Does your automation script allow visits to finish before changing IP address?
If this is not a case I will look further.

Thanks a lot for your visits!
2010-09-10 14:20
TinaXI have had a similar prob. a few times now when i have added 3 links, saved them to my profile, loaded it and then used automation to run Supermode several times for a while.
After some time it stops loading that profile snd changes back to settings i used before with only my main link, i have always added.

So if i don't keep an eye on it, from time to time, it can happen that the other 2 links expire cause they aren't added anymore.

Probably it's the same with sternensee's links, but this has never happened to me when i used only one link and ran automation then.

Then it only happens once or twice the day that the profile won't load correctly at re-start, all visits are for nuts and automation stops after that round, but that's a different prob.