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Ponystars is dead
2010-12-01 13:25
Sun55The game officially no longer exists since today (Dec 1st) .
2010-12-01 20:30
utopia.lvOuch! Interesting why did they decide to shut it down?
Game disabled.
2010-12-02 00:10
Sun55Some legal dispute, Ponystars was owned by Acclaim but was actually a daughter site of Pony Valley, owned by Feerik, who developed content for both sites. Acclaim was then bought by Playdom who decided not to pursue browser-based MMOs, and sold the game to Feerik, who then operated both sites (Ponystars and Pony Valley). But it seems that Playdom (owned by Disney) decided that they prefer shutting it down to selling it, so Feerik was forced to kill the game with only a couple of days notice.