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Checking User Agent
2011-06-06 14:31
vadThe problem of skipped links on MMC (fueled by MMC returning empty page to some browsers) can be fixed by installing useragent plugin, and pretending to be googlebot. That, however, fools not only MMC but Supermode as well, so it refuses to work then because it thinks it's not Firefox. Perhaps this checking might be removed, or maybe done using something other than user agent string?
2011-06-06 20:17
DanIll flag this for Utopia and hope he can get an answer back to you ASAP.

2011-06-07 09:13
utopia.lvThanks Dan!

Nice discovery, Vad! Can you post the GoogleBot user agent string here? I will add it to the exceptions as it is the easiest and quickest workaround without making bigger changes in the code.
2011-06-08 04:40
zgeekWill this do Uto?
2011-06-08 21:20
vadMozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
2011-06-09 07:57
utopia.lvThanks, zgeek & vad.
Workaround implemented - now it will allow to run Supermode if useragent string matches "Googlebot/2.".
2011-06-09 19:09
vadI installed updated supermode, now it does not complain on user-agent, but the visiting does not work. I press "Start", it shows

Status: Ok.

Completed: 0% |

and it sits there without any progress.
2011-06-10 07:35
utopia.lvSorry, had a bug in JavaScript for GoogleBot workaround. Now it's fixed.
Supermode extension update in not required.
2011-06-10 16:29
vadThanks! it's working now.
2011-06-24 16:00
vadFrom today's run:

(X) XML zhadukino.myminicity.com/xml Skip
(X) XML vallecaidos.myminicity.com/xml Skip
(X) XML diamond-love.miniville.fr/xml Skip
(X) XML fossiliville.miniville.fr/xml Skip
(X) XML chak-chak.myminicity.com/xml Skip
(X) XML JOJOECHILLAIS.miniville.fr/xml Skip
(X) XML aixesurvienne.miniville.fr/xml Skip

But if I go to these URL's directly in browser, I do see the content (previously, the problem was in that without googlebot, going to mynimicity returned an empty page)