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SkiSim [game added]
2011-08-05 17:58

Would enjoy when the game SKISIM would be added.
This game is still under construction but it should be finished in the near future.

link example: http://www.skisim.com/index.php?id=donation&user=maomao

I know the creator of this game personally and asked him how it works. He told me:"It is basically a Donation way for user to gain more money for their clubs. Also it is a way for me to make users bringing more users via giving others their links. The page takes a IP and on every reload of the page it checks how many one IP has made on that page. Also the donation size is quite a lottery. The game is about 50-60% ready of its planed first edition and is evolving every day bit by bit as i'm making it as a hobby."

So adding this game would potentially bring me in a lot of ingame money. I told him also about this game as I play many online games, also exchange games, for example yarolds as well. But it would be great to build myself nice track stadium, going on training camps with my skiers.

Game info (requested in the new game topic):
* http://www.skisim.com/index.php?id=donation&user=maomao
* Visits will be reset at 00:00 CET. System collect IP into its server and every time the page reloads it checks the current IP and visit count
* Also talked with the owner about adding his game here. He told that if the game will be added here he will add on that page Utopia link for others to see and check as the best way to get donations.
2012-01-27 17:18
maoany progress?
2012-01-27 22:29
OrchidHow close is the game to being ready?
2012-01-28 12:16
maoThe game accually has changed a lot during the first post here. beta season is already over and the game is in its first official season.
Also my link has changed: http://www.skisim.com/index.php?id=donation&user=Heiki
2012-01-30 05:54
OrchidSince so much has changed, can you please redo the request Utopia made for information to add a game


That way he has the most correct and current information to work with.
2012-02-01 18:09
maoNew info about skisim:
Donation Terms:
1. You can make a sponsor donation to every user only once per day
2. Visits will be resetted every day at 00:00 CET
- every visit will give from 0.2 up to 1000 ingame money to the user !
having this game listed here will give me financially big advantage in skisim front of other users !
2012-04-17 07:43
hatukasseveral months have gone and still no news ?
2012-04-18 05:41
OrchidThe owner is busy with RL at the moment. I'll send him a reminder
2012-06-19 06:42
hatukasagain 2 months have passed. what is the deal ?
2012-07-12 14:17
utopia.lvSorry for the big delay, game added.