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2012-09-26 09:45
AmarahMain URL: http://ponyisland.net

Examples of URLS:

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One view per IP address. Clicks don't count if viewed by your own sub-account or account.
Extra clicks don't do anything (positive or negative), unlike some other sites. One unique click gives a measly 5xp to said pony.


Oddly enough, the use of link exchanges doesn't appear to show up on any of the rules or forums. =\ I suppose that's because the main way to gain EXP is through other means like a contest per hour, not clicks. (Seeing as the max level is over 1000, I doubt extra clicks would show any real progress after maybe, the first hundred levels). Still, clicks help purely on the basis of young / inexperienced ponies and, seeing as it's a paysite I don't think they'd struggle under an influx of clicks.
2012-10-02 01:35
zgeekWell, I just did a visit at your 614994 link. It first showed at general: visits 22/20. Changed my IP and then it showed 23/21. Repeated it for 24/22 No idea if this is at all useful. :-)