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I didn't receive any clicks..
2009-04-16 00:47
lexterstarting yesterday i didn't receive any clicks? is this site for minicity only?
2009-04-16 05:53
GeckoIt'd help if you stated which site. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for a mod to check.

http://utopia.lv/exchange/ - Games listed under support should be fine, unless the site was having issues that day. If that was the case, then they get disabled. Also make sure that you're visiting other people's links too.
2009-04-16 07:33
utopia.lvLexter, your dragonadopters link is not active. To activate it, you have to visit at least 240 links.
Try Supermode, it will help you make visits faster.
2009-04-17 02:19
lexteris there any limit in visiting when may profile is on supermode?
2009-04-17 05:40
utopia.lvSupermode will visit all available links by default. You can stop at any time by pressing Stop button.