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IP Change Automation

pb change IP with Telnet
2009-05-11 16:31
bodissonHello ,
I use a script (.bat) with Telnet commands (TST10.exe) to change IP. "TST10.exe /r:reboot.txt /m
All work fine on my computer with double-clic on batch file or with command line.
So , I enter the .bat path in supermode option.
When utopia send order to change IP , just TST10 window interface is open but extention cde ( /r:reboot.txt /m) no executed => No changed IP

I know it's certainly not a supermode trouble , but if someone use this sort of cdes and does not have this pb , please tell me how I have to process.

2009-05-11 17:40
utopia.lvTry putting "start" before your command in the .bat file. Please tell me if that works.

------------ script.bat ------------
start TST10.exe /r:reboot.txt /m
2009-05-11 19:00
bodissonI'd tried but same window appears
I think about my admin rules .I don't remember if ther is an other extention cde line tu put after exe ( /u for user ?)
However , a working soluce is to use super-macro to hand over my proper double-clic on desktop.
Utopia order links on execute macro
2009-05-13 16:48

my pb with tst10 window seems to be resolved but now I have an other pb to restart firefox inside batch

taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
ping -n 5 > NUL
TST10.exe /r:reboot.txt /m
ping -n 15 > NUL
start firefox.exe -url http://utopia.lv/exchange/profile.php?w=special&name=bodisson&pass=******&loc=supermode

firefox restart but just on quickstart utopia window (http://utopia.lv/exchange/) ,auto start is not done

strange because if:
- I enter url directly in my browser => ok
- I enter "start firefox.exe -url http........" in start->execute->open windows box => ok too

nb:"browser.sessionstore.resumefromcrash"modified in"about:config" but I don't think it's the trouble
2009-05-13 16:57
utopia.lvTry putting the url in double quotes:

start firefox.exe -url "http://utopia.lv/exchange/profile.php?w=special&name=bodisson&pass=******&loc=supermode"
I am glad you solved the previous problem.
2009-05-13 19:15
bodissonThanks for quotes

It's ok now for that but ....
1st pb again and as I don't know how I have done to resolve ..... lol
I'm tired today , tomorow is an other day (I hope better)