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Deleted links showing up in my profile
2009-07-01 05:16
Lyle AI deleted two links last week. Now all of a sudden they are showing up as expired and the links I replaced them with are not there. This is only on one of my 3 ip's.
2009-07-01 05:48
utopia.lvThe IP address you wrote from, is your 4th IP address and the links were loaded from your Profile options.
2009-07-01 13:17
Lyle AOK,my ip there must have been changed by my isp. Thank You
2009-07-01 13:17
Lyle AWhat is the exchange rate from euros to the worthless us dollar?
2009-07-01 13:41
utopia.lvGoogle says: 1 Euro = 1.4105 U.S. dollars
2009-07-02 04:59
ConnielassI have the same problem, but the answer doesn't really help solve it.
How do I make sure the deleted links are cleared and have it reset to my active links?
2009-07-02 05:34
utopia.lvOpen Profile options and either remove saved links from the profile or replace them with new ones.
2009-07-02 17:06
ConnielassUh, yeah. It won't let me do that either. I've tried both already.
It won't let me delete them again, and when I save my profile after clicking to remove them from there, it still keeps them.

Go to Links, no delete option.
Go to Options > Profile > Remove all links = didn't work.
Options > Profile > Click on links to remove them > Save profile = didn't work.

What's more, the "expired" links are still getting visits, despite the fact that they're "expired", and that I haven't visited any links in 24 hours.
2009-07-02 19:10
utopia.lvExpired links are not visited. The visits you have are made before links expired. Links expire in 72 hours.
I'll investigate why "Delete all links.." does not work for you.