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IP Change Automation

Full automation and avoiding problems (sheduled reboot)
2008-12-03 12:44
hellowienedit 2009-03-06

In unattended mode (you should use FF-restart for this because of the memory-leak ... another solution will follow in another posting) a lot of strange faults can occur. Site does not load, system crashes, windows (update) forces restart, connection breaks down and much more. You can't avoid this problems, but there is a solution to hold time of non-exchanging at a minimum. Add a multi-scheduled task for reboot, because a reboot solves all of those problems. Run this task as "system" not as user. I created this task for every 6 hrs (00:30 am, 06:30 am, 12:30 am and 18:30 pm). The command you write in this task is:

%systemroot%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 01 -f
To get connected after reboot you will need another bat-file, that you put in the autostart directory. It will wait for the system to load (change times to your demands), connect and start FF with utopia. Enter following lines in this bat and name it however you want:

ping localhost -n 30 >NUL
rasphone -d "connectionname"
start firefox.exe -url http://utopia.lv/exchange/profile.php?w=special&name=yourname&pass=yourpassword&loc=supermode