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Other Game Links

BiteFigth [game removed]
2008-12-04 10:28
engelinasample links ( for visiting, that is ))


all one needs to do is visit a link like the one above, no captha or something like that. i have no idea when the reset is for that game, but can p look around and see if i can find it. i know it does reset daily.
2008-12-04 11:07
utopia.lvThanks for info.
The server time is shown when you open any of the links and it is GMT +1.
2008-12-04 17:09
utopia.lvGame added

Supported links:

Unsupported links (because of redirect to link as above):
2008-12-04 18:54
engelinathanks for adding the game!
2008-12-05 21:31
brewcrewis it possible to add "bitefight.de"

thats what the links looks like

2008-12-06 14:19
MortanThere are other languages too.
All domain names can be seen in any of the main pages, linked to the Flags.

All links work the exactly the same, just changing domain names.

And so on. Sometimes the domain it's a bit different, like with the '.us' one, but the rest of the link is exactly the same.
2008-12-06 16:05
brewcrewhmm...if i try to add the gamelink into the add link window, i get a "currently only myminicity, miniville and zooreka links are supported."

what i do wrong?

thanks for helping
2008-12-10 20:23
brewcrewno one ??
2008-12-10 21:56
utopia.lv> i get a "currently only myminicity, miniville and zooreka links are supported."
Sorry, forgot to update that error message.

What is the link you try to add?

p.s. I am planning to remove BiteFight support from the exchange because each IP gets counted only once per each BiteFight server (the same person can not be bitten several times). That means many visits are wasted.
2008-12-11 09:04
brewcrewi used

2008-12-11 09:48
utopia.lvOnly domain *.bitefight.org is currently supported.
2008-12-12 06:48
brewcrewok! thanks for the support :-)
2009-01-05 15:29
utopia.lvAs BiteFight allow one unique visit per server, each server has to be added as different game.

Here are the servers:

bitefight.org s1-s13
bitefight.es s1-s31
bitefight.fr s1-s21
bite-fight.us s1-s7
bitefight.cn s1-s3
bitefight.jp s1
bitefight.de s1-s20

In total 96 servers.

Question: is it worth my time to add all those servers? Will it bring us more visitors?
2009-01-06 00:57
horknfbrwell... it seems the mass visits have little effect on the game it's self, so i would say it probably isn't worth your time.
2009-01-09 15:32
MortanBiteFight players CRAVE for link bites.
If you manage to let them know that they can get a lot of them here, you will ensure TONS of visits.

But that would require some time until the page is well-know between them.
2009-01-09 16:30
ArnhemiaIf i understand you correctly, Utopia, then every IP that's being used here will ONLY give a maximum of 96 unique visits (given there are going to be at least 96 members that each have 1 link on a unique server for this game), right?

For, if this is indeed true, then i return the question to those who would like to have this game added with every possible link to be able to be added: what good would it do, if every member on this game signs up his/her link through here?

Reason i'm asking is... you should take in account that the top 96 links for this game will be the ONLY ones who most likely recieve the visits, as this exchange will have those be visited more often as the ones lower ranked members :-(

So, Utopia... i guess it's not really worth your time to allow each server to be added... in fact, i even think it's not worth having this game added at all (and no, this is not because i am not willing to pay my visits to those who can recieve them, but simply that apparently too few visits will truely be counted for!) ;-)