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Please accept my-virtual-city.com [no]
2008-12-22 20:29
dexityPlease accept my-virtual-city.com. It's a good game, more and more clicker need in my-virtual-city.com.

Believe me. try have a look.
2008-12-22 20:33
MisaMiliville-virtuelle.com and my-virtual-city.com are removed from exchange, because they use captcha.
2008-12-23 09:21
elit3gei can't seem to find a captcha on the site and im using a proxy to view each site and its not giving me a box to enter
2008-12-23 10:37
utopia.lvCaptcha shows up after multiple visits are made to the same link.
2008-12-23 19:18
dexityis that mean nothing can do?
2008-12-23 23:05
utopia.lvUnfortunately there is nothing I can do.
2008-12-29 12:00
dexitycould you explain me more about captcha. maybe we can find a way together ;-)
2008-12-29 22:28
utopia.lvFrom wikipedia.org:
A CAPTCHA or Captcha (IPA: /?kæpt??/) is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer.

p.s. Automated Captcha recognition is way to hard to make.